martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Social Sciences - Recipes in November!

Are you ready for a tasty experience? 
Let's learn more about European food with the help of some families in class.

Are you excited for that?
Post a comment this evening and tell the class your experience!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello,I´m David Doñoro
    Laura´s mother spelled it very well and the biscuit was very good.

  2. Hellow,Iam Laura María thanks David for that.
    My mum did it with great desire for 6A.
    Thaks for all the students that said it was perfect.

  3. Hello I'am Marta G
    I think that the cake was very good.
    thanks you Laura

  4. Thank you guys for the comments! Katia (Laura's mum) did a great effort for us, and yes, the cake was awesome. It tasted so good! I'm glad you liked the activity. Soon there will be more students' families who will come to class to show us more recipes. :)


Don't forget to write your username!