jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

Social U4 - 23F.

Social U4 - Cartillas de racionamiento.

Here you have some pictures of these documents called "Cartillas de racionamiento". Every family had one of these after the Spanish Civil War. 

They looked like passports or stamps albums, and they were meant to limit the consumption of food from families, as there weren't many products in Spain to eat...

Social U4 - Children in the Spanish Civil War.

This is how children lived the Spanish Civil War. 
Here you can see a bunch of drawings 
some children did while they were living in Spain 
between 1936 and 1939. 

If you have any opinions
please don't hesitate and post a comment!

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Social U4 - Project.

REMEMBER! When you post the picture, you must: 
  1. - Write your name, surname and class
  2. - Write the name and surname of the person in your project.

Social U4 - 20th century in Spain.

Have a look at the following pictures 
of Spanish cities in the 20th century.

A Coruña

Alcalá de Henares





Social U4 - Spanish Civil War.

While you work for your projects 
about the early 20th century in Spain 
on your notebooks, 

here you have a link in case you want to find out more about the Spanish Civil War:

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

English - Speaking activity.

Work with a partner. Take turns to describe a photo.

1. What does the photo show? 
In this photo I can see... 
There is/are...

2. What are the people doing/wearing? 
The girl is... 
People are...

3. What else can you see in the photo? 
On the left/right... 
At the top/bottom... 
In the middle... 
In the foreground/background...

4. What's your opinion?
I think it looks... (adjective).
I think it looks like... (noun).

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

English Festivity - Lupercalia and therefore, Saint Valentines.

Lupercalia was a Roman festivity. 
Find out about it by clicking on the picture:

Who was Saint Valentine, 
and how did this Festivity start?
Find out by clicking on this picture.

Also, watch this video if you still want to know more: