lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Natural U3 - Twins project.

Find out:

1. What are identical twins?
2. What are mirror twins?
3. What are fraternal twins?

Have a look at this link to find out, 
and use the Internet to search for more.

And here are some fun facts 
if you want to learn more.

Natural U3 - Fertilization and formation of a human.

Watch until the second 12:46

These real pictures are amazing!

Here you have some twins who talk to each other:

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

U4 English - Present perfect simple.

Practise the present perfect simple form 
with these activities:

lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

English U4 - Origami and book marks.

Here you have some examples of book marks 
made out of Origami
a Japanese handmade type of Art. 

Would you like to try a very easy one?

martes, 17 de enero de 2017

English U3 - Modal verbs revision.

Click here to revise your modal verbs.

 Also, practise more here:

Another modal verbs activity.

And the last one.

Here's a game for you 
to play with modal verbs:

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017

Social U3 - Project.

1. Investigate! Check the blog's entry 
"Social U3 - Spain in the 19th century".

2.  Check the link on that entry and write down information (5 - 10 lines) 
about the point you were assigned.

3. It has to be in English

4. Use your dictionary if needed.

5. Find a picture and post the link 
on the blog's entry with its title and your name.

title: Napoleón Bonaparte.
name: Laura, 6B.

Social U3 - Spain in the 19th century.

This video explains easily the French Revolution. 
It's from the collection "Once upon a time man".

Here's a link with lots of information about this important century for our country.  
It's in Spanish, but I'm sure it will help you a lot.
 Check it to learn more!

Here you have a video to know more about Spain in the 19th century.   
It's also in Spanish.