miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

Happy summer!

How's it going, kids? 
I hope you are enjoying your holidays!

Stay tuned... soon I will upload some of the pictures me and teacher Hannah took of you in Ampa's "Fiesta del agua". 

I love you all! ❤

martes, 20 de junio de 2017

Graduation pictures.

Click on this link to watch and download them: 


And don't forget to say "thank you" to teacher Hannah for this... 


martes, 13 de junio de 2017

Graduation 2017 - a little note for you, students.

Thank you so much for everything, 
classes 6A and 6B!

I just learnt a lot with you. 

I have no words to describe how amazing this year has been!

I can only say THANK YOU, 
and I LOVE YOU, very very much.

I wish you the best, now and always. 


martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

Tell me your opinion about your Cambridge exams.

  1. Write your name and surname, and your type of exam as a username.
  2. Write your opinions about it (25 - 30 words).
Resultado de imagen de opinions

Mari Carmen Martínez (KET)
In my opinion, my KET exam was easy but very long. The reading activities where difficult, but the writing and the listening ones weren't that hard. I think I will pass!

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

English U8 - Writing activity (individual practice).

Copy the date on your notebooks, and the following title: 

Also, copy the wording:

Write an email to Teacher Mari Carmen, talking about the Warner theme park visit you will do in June. Include the following expressions:
- future simple
- be going to
- ing form
- a zero, a first, a second, and a third conditional

(80 - 86 words)

Remember! You can use your dictionaries.

English U8 - Conditionals (practice) in teams.

  1. Work in teams (the ones you've been lately), activity by activity.
  2. Choose a writer in your team.
  3. The writer needs an English notebook.
  5. Copy the sentences and the answers.
  6. You've got 2 classes to do this.
  7. If you finish soon, make a drawing of one of the sentences you have written.
Teacher, click here to get to the timer (set it for 35 minutes).

U8 - Conditionals (grammar).

Open your notebooks, write down the date of today and the following title:

There are four types of conditional sentences: zero, first, second and third.

Zero conditionals are used to talk 
about facts that are true.

First conditionals are used to talk 
about things that can happen in the future.

Second conditionals are used to talk 
about situations we wish to happen.

Third conditionals are used to talk 
about impossible situations that we can't change.

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

U8 - Passive voice.

Click on the image and try to win the game.

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Valores 5º - Butterfly circus.

A continuación, escribe en tu cuaderno la fecha de hoy, el título del corto que hemos visto ("The butterfly circus" = "El circo de la mariposa") y las siguientes preguntas:

1) ¿Qué personajes principales aparecen?

2) ¿Quiénes son los personajes secundarios?

3) Haz un breve resumen de la historia (6 líneas).

4) ¿Qué valores se tratan en este corto? Explica el por qué de cada uno.

5) Haz un dibujo de tu escena favorita.

U8 English - Conditionals.

Who wants to be a billionaire doing conditionals?

Conditionals - racing cars.

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

The anthem of Comunidad de Madrid.

The one in my Autonomous Community is this:

Book Day at school.

Click on the image to prepare 
something special for Book Day at school!

lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

Happy Easter, my cool students! :)

Do you want to learn how to draw Pusheen? 
Here you have an example of Pusheen in Easter:



jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Natural Sciences - Spring is here!

English U6 - Past perfect.

Click on the images to practise 
the past perfect grammar form.

Here you have two more examples 
of past perfect sentences:

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Natural U5 - Atom.

Did you know there are tv series and cartoons 
with atoms in their logos?

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

6A - Present perfect continuous practice.

What have you been doing this week? 

Write one sentence with present perfect continuous.
Please, add your name in your blog post!

Teacher Mari Carmen.
This week I have been watching an anime series on my computer.

Resultado de imagen de kids playing computer games

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

6B - English U5 - Present perfect continuous.

What have you been doing this week? 

Write one sentence with present perfect continuous.
Please, add your name in your blog post!

Teacher Mari Carmen.
This week I have been watching an anime series on my computer.

Resultado de imagen de kids playing computer games

domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

English Unit 5 - Present perfect continuous.

Click on the following pictures 
to practice your grammar.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Social and Arts - Spanish writers on the 20th century.

These songs aren't really that funny... 
They represent different situations during the 20th century. 

Can you guess which ones? 

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

Social U4 - 23F.

Social U4 - Cartillas de racionamiento.

Here you have some pictures of these documents called "Cartillas de racionamiento". Every family had one of these after the Spanish Civil War. 

They looked like passports or stamps albums, and they were meant to limit the consumption of food from families, as there weren't many products in Spain to eat...